177-5963-5229ABB PP881 3BSE092978R1 触摸显示屏工控备件
ABB PP881 3BSE092978R1 触摸显示屏工控备件
ABB PP881 3BSE092978R1 触摸显示屏工控备件
ABB PP881 3BSE092978R1 应用PP881标准10″触屏
ABB PP881 3BSE092978R1 应用PP881标准10″触屏
面板800的标准范围包括PP875、PP881、PP883、PP886和PP895,它们是为经济高效、安全高效地监控和控制复杂的HMI应用而设计的。这些面板通过7英寸、10.1英寸、12.1英寸、15.4英寸和21.5英寸TFT/LED显示屏中的高分辨率宽屏提高了过程可视性,更快地访问多个应用程序,以及易于使用的触摸屏界面。这些面板由坚固而轻质的压铸、粉末涂层铝外壳制成,设计用于在-10°C至+60°C/0°C至+50°C的温度范围内工作。防护等级为IP66/IP65的前壳体使其能够承受潮湿、多尘和苛刻的环境。ABB PP877 触摸屏 PP800面板ABB PP877 触摸屏 PP800面板Panel Builder 800 version 5 3BSE042250R1 组态软件 Panel Builder 800 version 5PP815 3BSE042239R1 3.5″触摸屏,TFT 320*280像素,画面和字符,彩色PP820 3BSE042243R1 功能键面板,FSTN 260*64像素,黑白,画面和字符PP825 3BSE042240R1 5.7″触摸屏
Operational amplifier is called operational amplifier for short. Because it was used in analog computers in the early days to realize mathematical operations, it is named “operational amplifier”. It is mainly used in analog circuits, such as amplifiers, comparators and analog arithmetic units. It is a device often used by electronic engineers. Operational amplifier is a circuit unit with high magnification. In the actual circuit, the feedback network is usually combined to form a functional module. It is an amplifier with special coupling circuit and feedback. The output signal can be the result of mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, differentiation and integration of the input signal. Operational amplifier is a circuit unit named from the perspective of function, which can be realized by discrete devices or in semiconductor chips.With the development of semiconductor technology, most operational amplifiers exist in the form of single chip. There are many kinds of operational amplifiers, which are widely used in the electronic industry. In order to better use the amplifier, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the operating principle of the operational amplifier.